Thursday, May 8, 2014


1. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent. The land is mostly covered by a vast ice sheet. Antarctica means "opposite to the arctic."It is the southern most continent. It covers around 5.5 million square miles and is somewhat circular. The Antarctic Peninsula reaches the southern of South America. Antarctica contains approx. 7 mil cubic miles of ice (90% of the worlds total), the average thickness is about 1.5 miles. Antarctica supports a population of cold-adapted land plants and animals. Antarctica is the most remote and inaccessible continent.


3. Antarctica is a desert because there is not much precipitation.

4. they receive <10 inches year round.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Repeat photography

1. Repeat photography is a process in which to see the changes in an are over a period of time.


3. Repeat photography is useful to see how climate is changing and the landscape has changed over the years. It is also useful to see how cities have developed and grown over time.

4. A challenge a person may face is maybe that the place may be completely destroyed and re constructed into something totally different looking. Another challenge may be that something like a tree or a new building could be blocking the view. Also another challenge may be getting the right angle and view of the area. 

Population Pyramid

1. A population pyramid is a graphical illustration that shows distribution of different age groups in a population (usually in a region or country in the world)


3. In Somalia, there are very many 0-4 year old children. There are more 30-54 year old men than 30-54 year old women.

4. Population pyramids are useful in a way to see the gender and age structure of an area.

European Union

1. The European Union is a group of European countries whose governments come to work together.


3. Pros of being in the European Union:

- Free trade
- Allows free movement between membered countries
-Provide many public agencies


-No common language
-Threatens national identity of membered states
- Hard to withdraw from the EU once you have joined


these blog entry thingies are on ( i had to make a new one because i got locked out and i couldnt figure out how to get it back )